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The role and efficacy of canola oil,

Industry information
2018/08/30 09:46
The unit unsaturated fatty acid is relatively stable and is not easy to generate free radicals......

Fatty cholesterol and health

  The unit unsaturated fatty acid is relatively stable and is not easy to generate free radicals; the free radicals are easily chemically reacted with the cell tissues in the body due to the extremely active chemical properties, and the cell tissues are destroyed. Free radicals can also cause mutations in DNA, causing errors in genetic information, leading to mutations. Recently, it has been found that the occurrence of atherosclerosis is closely related to free radicals. Free radicals can oxidize LDL-C in the body and accumulate. On the walls of our blood vessels, arteriosclerosis occurs.

  It has been experimentally confirmed that the intake of saturated fatty acids increases the concentration of LDL-C in the body, which may cause cardiovascular diseases in the long run; while polyunsaturated fatty acids reduce the concentration of LDL-C in the body, but also the HDL-C in the body. Decreased concentrations, while lowering the concentration of HDL-C, increase the likelihood of cardiovascular disease.

  Canola oil contains not only monounsaturated fatty acids, but also rich essential fatty acids - linoleic acid and linoleic acid. These two fatty acids are not synthesized by the human body and need to be taken from food.

  According to the dietary recommendations of the Health Department of the Executive Yuan, the daily intake of fat is not more than 30% of total daily calories, ≤10% of saturated fatty acids, and <10% of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Such a diet is healthy and appropriate.

  Classification of fat

  Fat is composed of glycerin and fatty acid. Among them, fatty acids can be divided into saturated fatty acids and unsaturated fatty acids. The unsaturated fatty acids are divided into monounsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids.