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Improve menopausal syndrome recipes

Fueling health
2018/08/30 09:25
Ingredients: 30 grams of acacia flowers (dry goods), or 50 grams of fresh products, 50 grams...

Acacia flower porridge   

Ingredients: 30 grams of acacia flowers (dry goods), or 50 grams of fresh products, 50 grams of glutinous rice, linseed oil and safflower seed oil, brown sugar right amount.  

Production method: Add 500 ml of water to the pot with acacia flowers, glutinous rice and brown sugar. After boiling with high heat, turn to simmer for about 20 minutes, cook until the porridge is cooked and add the appropriate amount of linseed oil and safflower seed oil.  

How to eat: 1 hour before going to bed every night, warm and fast.   

Therapeutic treatment is applicable: it has the effects of calming the nerves and relieving depression, promoting blood circulation and radiance, and diminishing water and swelling.